Most physical therapists use the traditional model of physical therapy that includes an initial evaluation and treatments based on the initial evaluation findings. The HODS Approved Physical Therapy Diagnostic Centers use a New Advanced Model of physical therapy that offers 62% better patient management! This new model incorporates appropriate muscle, joint and nerve testing that provide information about the true cause of your problem. The HODS Approved Diagnostic Physical Therapists utilize not only a physical examination but also Advanced Diagnostic Testing Technologies to identify the root of your problem and treat you in the most efficient way.

Moreover, physical therapists who use the traditional model of physical therapy they depend on the low sensitivity of physical examination tests to identify your problem. These physical examination tests if they have very low degrees of sensitivity, they may allow a large degree of problems to be misdiagnosed or go undiagnosed while you continue suffering from pain.

To the contrary, HODS Approved Physical Therapy Diagnostic Centers implement EMG (ElectroMyorgaphy Nerve and Muscle) and MSKUS (Ultrasound Imaging) tests that provide high degrees of sensitivity that can screen your problem very effectively.

Table: Demonstrates comparisons of sensitivity among physical examination tests compared to Electroneuromyography testing and Musculoskeletal Ultrasound.

In conclusion, the use of low sensitivity physical examination tests as screening tests for pathology leads to misidentification of the root cause of your musculoskeletal problem, and keeps you untreated or treated for the wrong condition. This leads to mediocre treatment outcomes causing your justified frustration and dissatisfaction and is often the catalyst for you to recourse to resources such as opioid medications.

The HODS Approved Physical Therapists provide solutions to your problem and can get you back to doing the things you love most, as quickly as possible!